
Saturday, November 5, 2016


It is a frequently discussed topic if machines or free weights are more efficient for strength training. The truth is, each has it sadvanteages and disadvanteges. The choice depends on your level of experience, your exercise goals and, to some extent your personal preference.

Free Weights:

   Free weights include Barbells,Dumbbells and Kettlebells. They are not anchored, tethered or bolted to any other piece of equipment or frame. Because of this, the direction of resistance is always going to be vertical, or the opposite direction of the gravitational pull. In addition, the path that the weight takes is controlled by the user and their body.
Free weights incorporate the stabilizing muscles that enable you to perform the movements you choose to make and may be more effective in producing overall muscular strength and power gains. Free-weight exercises tend to more closely match the movement patterns you're likely to need for specific sports.
Benefits of Free Weight :
 * Exercises with free weights require more muscles to work together.
since more muscle groups are involved you will burn more calories as well which leads to weight and fat loss.
* They let you perform a full range of motion.
* There is no mechanical advantage.
Disadvantage of Free Weight :
* The risk of injury is higher
* The isolation of specific muscles can be difficult.
* It is a bit more time consuming.

Machine Weights :

   Machines has weight stacks with cables attached to a wheel or a cam. machines can be plate loaded and are engineered with mechanical joints.Both the path and range of motion are dictated by machine. The range of motion equals the start and end points of an exercise.

Benefits of Machine Weight :
* Machines are generally safer and easier to use.
* Weight machines are more suitable for beginners as the motion is fixed and controlled.
* Some mchines are more efficient than free weightsat isolating specific muscle or muscle group.
* Machines ensure correct movements for a lift.
* Machine workouts can take less time because you can move easily from machine to machine.

Disadvantage of Machine Weight :
Most machines involve moving a weight along a predetermined path,making it difficult to strengthen the stabilizer muscles.
* Since fewer muscles are worked,fewer calories are burned. Hence,they are not so suitable for fat loss.(I’m not talking about cardio and fitness equipment like treadmills here.)
* Machines are much more limited,with most devices allowing only one exercise.
* Most of the weight lifting machines can not be adjusted, they have fixed structure. Hence, no matter if you are taller or shorter than the average, having shorter or longer limbs, you can only do the range of motion that the machine provides.
* Because only one muscle group is trained supporting ones are not stimulated, and that may lead to imabalance

The Bottom Line :
So which is better: free weights or machines? Neither! Both provide a beneficial way to perform resistance training, and each comes with its own unique benefits. So you can achieve a great workout with either. In fact, using a combination of both can provide a nice change to your normal routine and even raise its intensity a bit. Anything that motivates someone to start and continue exercising is beneficial, and having more options for how to do that will leave less room for excuses.

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