
Monday, November 28, 2016



Diabetes is caused when your blood cells do not respond to insulin produced in the body. Diabetes is of two types - Type 1, where there is no production of insulin and Type 2, where the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.

When you follow a regular exercise regimen, your body starts responding to insulin, helping to reduce your blood glucose. Exercise also helps improve blood circulation in your body, particularly in the arms and legs, where diabetic patients most commonly encounter problems. It is an excellent way to fight stress, both at the body and mind level, which in turn helps keep one’s glucose levels down.

How yoga helps to fight diabetes
Regular yoga practice can help reduce the level of sugar in the blood, along with lowering blood pressure, keeping your weight in check, reducing the severity of the symptoms  and slowing the rate of progression of the disease. It also lessens the possibility of further complications.stress is one of the major reasons for diabetes. It increases the secretion of glucagon (a hormone responsible for increasing blood glucose levels) in the body. The consistent practice of yoga aasanas, pranayam and a few minutes of meditation can help reduce stress in the mind and protect the body from its adverse effects. This, in turn, reducing the amount of glucagon and improve the action of insulin.The practice of yoga is also a proven to lose weight and slow the process of fat accumulation. The following asanas and pranayamas are effective for diabetes. They should be learned with proper guidance, before putting them into practice:1. Vajrasana2. Balasana3. Setubandhanasana4. Natrajasana5. Dhanurasana6. Sarvangasana7. Halasana 8. Chakrasana9. Ardhamatshyandrasana10. Urdhvamukha SvanasanaPRANAYAM1. Kapalvati2. Aolom Vilom

Do not practice any Asana OR Pranayama in which you don’t feel comfortable.Do not over do the exercises if you feel pain in your body.Start exercises mildly and then increase the repetitions as per your capacity.People suffering from Back pain, Slip disc OR chronic disease should only practice Yoga and other exercises under the expert supervision otherwise do not do it.Pregnant women should only practice Yoga under the supervision of an expert, otherwise do not practice any exercise by watching videos or website material.

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