
Friday, November 4, 2016


In the old days, Runners ran. Today runners need to do more than just run. Runners need to be strong and athletic. If they are not, they can get hurt even if they practice good running form.
The benefits of strength training for runners—for both injury prevention and performance—are real. Whether your goal is simply to run easier with less pain or to run faster in your next race, a few strength sessions every week can help. Using runner-specific strength exercises will increase structural fitness—or the ability of your bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles to withstand the impact of running. While most forms of strength training can help improve overall performance, adding heavy resistance exercises, in particular, can make you faster during the final sprint of a race.

Strength work is especially important for injury-prone runners and those who are putting in a lot of miles/kilometers (Marathoners should aim for at least three strength workouts every week). While building your aerobic engine  through running, it’s key to counteract all that wear and tear with the right exercises.
Since many of us live fairly sedentary lives in front of a computer all day, it’s no wonder running injuries are so common—we’ve lost all our strength. Luckily, there are specific exercises that can counteract this strength loss and are highly effective for runners.
Reasons Runners should strength Train :
1) Decrease Body Fat : Strength training will burn body fat and decrease your body fat making you lighter and faster.
2) Have Better Body Composition
3) Strength Training will make you Faster
4) Strength training will increase your speed
5) Strength training improves structural balance and can help prevent injury and chronic pain.


1: You need to maintain short rest between sets

When most runners hit the gym, they feel like they need to replicate the feeling and the work they do on the roads. Typically, that means keeping the heart rate elevated. As a runner myself, I know it can feel foreign to consider a workout effective if I’m not breathing hard.
That means most runners try to take as little rest as possible between sets. It’s not uncommon to find runners resting only 30-60 seconds between exercises.
Unfortunately, these brief rest periods are detrimental to strength development because of the primary energy system used and the rate of recovery.
Unlike in running, which relies on the aerobic system for energy, the major source of energy when trying to build strength is what we call adenosine triphosphate phospho-creatine (ATP-PC).
ATP-PC is responsible for providing the energy to produce short, powerful movements – like we need for strength training. As you can see for this chart below, ATP-PC requires at least two to three minutes to approach full recovery.
By not fully recovering between sets when strength training, you’re not able to maximize the recruitment of your muscle fibers and the quality and effectiveness of your session plummets.
If your goal is to build strength, you need to be taking at least a 2 minute recovery between each set.
2: Training with high reps builds endurance
It’s often claimed (since distance running is endurance oriented) that the use of high reps with low weight is the best way to build endurance to running-specific muscles.
The thought process is that high repetitions, just like higher mileage, will improve muscular endurance. That’s why you often see runners lifting the 5-10lb dumbbells for shoulder raises or even in the running-man motion (don’t worry if this is you, I used to do lots of this myself).
Unfortunately, high reps and low weights don’t build muscular endurance
  • First, recent research has shown that performing repetitions in the 12-20 range does not increase muscular endurance any more than the 6-8 repetition range.
  • Second, you’re already working on your muscular endurance when out on the road and when doing track workouts. The purpose of strength work is to build strength so performing routines and rep ranges that target this goal is ideal.
Therefore, rather than using light weight and high repetition, you should lift the maximum weight you can safely handle for 6-10 repetitions.
The 6-10 rep range allows for maximum muscle overload and will recruit the greatest number of muscle fibers, thus leading to increased strength.

3: Heavy weights will bulk you up and light weights will make you look “tone”

Muscle bulk is not determined by lifting heavy weights alone. In fact,lifting heavy weights is the least important part of the equation.
Nutrition, specifically excess calories, is what contributes to bulking up when lifting heavy weights. (As a side note, it’s same for using running as a means to lose weight. The mileage itself is not the most important factor, but rather the negative calorie balance.)
Moreover, because the amount of time you will spend running will vastly outnumber the amount of time you spend lifting heavy weights, it will be virtually impossible for you to gain unwanted or detrimental mass (unless of course you’re seriously overeating, which is not a training problem).
Don’t be afraid of looking like a body builder if you’re including heavy lifting in your running routine. It just won’t happen.
Likewise, lifting lighter weights with more repetitions won’t make your muscles look more “tone”.  The common belief is that high reps magically get rid of fat.
While high reps with light weight to fatigue can create a muscular response, it does not necessarily remove fat better than low reps with heavy weight. The mythical “tone” is a result of not losing muscle mass in conjunction with losing weight.
As an example, one study from the University of Alabama in Birmingham showed that dieters who lifted heavy weights lost the same amount of weight as dieters who did just cardio, but all the weight lost by the weight lifters was fat while the cardio subjects lost a lot of muscle along with some fat.

4: You should perform strength training on your rest or recovery days

Runner’s typically think of strength training as an add-on to their running training, rather than an integrated piece of the training puzzle. When you do your strength workouts is just as important as what strength workouts you perform.
The mistake many runners make is performing their strength workouts on their easy, recovery or off days.
The thinking behind this idea makes sense – you’re the most tired after hard workouts, so why push yourself even more by adding strength work on these days?
But, we’re forgetting about the recovery aspect and the training plan as a whole.
If you were to perform harder strength workouts, especially anything that involves the lower body, on your easy running day the added stress and shortened total recovery time between workouts would detract from your body’s recovery ability.
Moreover, if you perform your harder strength training the day before your workouts, you’ll likely be too tired or sore to perform optimally in the most important session – the run the next day
But, since there are more than one type and intensity of strength routines, here’s how your week should look:
  • Your hardest, most running-specific strength routines after your hardest workouts
  • Your medium effort routines (like basic core or hip routines) on your regular running days
  • Any preventive routines on your off or recovery days

5: Machines are a good substitute for bodyweight, free weights, and therabands

The next time you’re in your gym, take a look around and count the number of strength training machines you see. I’m willing to bet it’s an extraordinarily high number.
Because the machines are so pervasive, it’s easy to think that they are just as good, if not better, than free weight and bodyweight exercises. However, in most cases they are far less effective – and in some cases useless.
The problem with machines is that they have a limited range of motion, isolate the wrong muscle groups, and don’t trigger the same “supporting” muscle groups response that make some exercises most useful.
As an example, we know that hip strength, or lack thereof, is one of the main contributors to running injuries.  The prescription is obviously to strengthen the muscles in the hip, which include the abductors. Seemingly, the abductor machine at the gym make this very easy to do. Just sit down, push out and you’re on your way to injury-free running.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.
Research has shown that to improve running-specific hip strength, an exercise should maximize the recruitment of the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus, while minimizing the recruitment of the TFL (tensor fasciae latae – a muscle located on the upper lateral portion of your thigh).
The abductor machine actually targets the TFL and therefore has limited effectiveness. Furthermore, a tense TFL, because it connects directly to the knee’s lateral side via the iliotibial band, may increase knee strain that could develop into IT band syndrome.
In this case the adductor machine is not only useless, it could be harmful.
By sticking to the right bodyweight, free weight and theraband exercises you can maximize the time you spend in the gym and avoid many of the common pitfalls.
The best exercises for runners train movements, not muscles—so stick to compound, multi-joint exercises (and make sure your form is correct!). Some of the classics include deadliftssquatspull-ups(or these exercises if you're still learning a pull-up) bench press, and step-ups onto an elevated platform. These exercises target functional movements that we do in real life: bending down, pushing and pulling things, and picking things up.Complement compound movements with a good dose of bodyweight exercises.
A majority of running injuries are caused by weak hips—a major problem area for runners who sit for most of the day. One solution is the ITB Rehab Routine, a series of exercises that treats and prevents IT band injuries but also works well for general injury prevention. It focuses on hip and glute strength—two of the most important stabilizing muscles that are used while running. Foam rolling is another great option for muscle recovery and injury prevention. Strength sessions can be quick: Simply pick three to five exercises and do two to three sets each, aiming for four to eight repetitions. And don’t be afraid to lift heavy: Remember, heavy weight helps runners. Just keep in mind that heavy-weight routines are more intense and should be done just one to two times every week.

The Takeaway

When you’re doing 10 to 20 minutes of strength work each day, your injury risk will decrease dramatically, allowing you to run more, train faster, and ultimately race faster. Here's to never being sidelined again.

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